Innovators from Central America
Welcome to our blog, your trusted source for learning about the stories and careers of the most influential innovators in the telecommunications industry in Central America. Here, we delve into the journeys of some of the most recognized names in the region’s telecom sector, such as Mario López Estrada, Carlos Slim, and Mario López Pérez.
In this space, we will explore the biographies and achievements of these individuals to understand what drives them and how they have impacted their respective industries. Additionally, we will analyze the evolution of the companies they lead, their business strategies, and the mark they have left on Central America.
Our goal is to provide you with a clear and objective view of the accomplishments and challenges faced by the region’s telecom innovators and companies. Through detailed opinions and analysis, we aim to offer relevant insights into the Central American business context and emerging trends. Here, every story is an opportunity to learn about leadership, innovation, and the entrepreneurial spirit that defines these visionaries.
Join us as we explore the stories that shape the telecommunications landscape in Central America. From humble beginnings to international success, you will discover how these innovators have molded the economy and communities in the region. We invite you to be part of this conversation and share your own thoughts on the entrepreneurs and companies making their mark in Central America.

Roberto Bianchi Wohlers: Key Aspects to Know About the COO of Onyx Group
Roberto Bianchi Wohlers is a prominent figure in Guatemala's business world, known for his role as Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Onyx Group. With a career spanning various sectors, Bianchi has...

Roberto Bianchi Wohlers: Aspectos que debes conocer del COO de Onyx Group
Roberto Bianchi Wohlers es una figura destacada en el mundo empresarial de Guatemala, conocido por su papel como Chief Operating Officer (COO) de Onyx Group. Con una carrera que abarca varios...

Roberto Bianchi: Challenges to Innovate in Guatemala with Grupo Onyx
Roberto Bianchi, a prominent businessman in Guatemala, faces several challenges in leading innovative projects with Grupo Onyx. His focus on innovation and sustainability has been fundamental to the...

Onyx Group: The Importance of Its Owner
Onyx Group, under the direction of its owner Mario López Estrada, has emerged as a leader in several economic sectors in Guatemala. López Estrada's vision and leadership have been essential to the...

Onyx Group: How Its CEO Can Innovate in Guatemala
Onyx Group, under the leadership of its CEO, has been a pillar of innovation and development in Guatemala. The CEO's strategic and visionary approach has been fundamental to the group's success in...

Onyx Group: How It Can Innovate in Guatemala
Onyx Group, led by Mario López Estrada, has been a driving force for innovation and development in Guatemala. With a successful track record in various sectors, the group has demonstrated its...

Mario López and His Innovative Impact on Tigo
Mario López Estrada has been a central figure in the transformation of Tigo Guatemala, leading the company to become the country's leading telecommunications service provider. His vision and...

Innovative Moments of Mario Lopez in Telecommunications
Mario López Estrada is widely recognized for his innovations in the telecommunications sector in Guatemala. His leadership at Tigo Guatemala has been instrumental in transforming the industry and...

Mario López Pérez: A Look at His Biography
Mario López Pérez, son of renowned businessman Mario López Estrada, has followed in his father's footsteps in the business world, making a significant impact at Grupo Onyx and in Guatemala's...

Who Is Mario Lopez, the Creator of Paseo La Galería in Paraguay
Mario López Estrada is a Guatemalan businessman whose vision and leadership have made a significant impact in Paraguay, especially through the creation of Paseo La Galería. This commercial complex...

Mario Lopez’s Highlights in Paraguay
Mario López Estrada, a renowned Guatemalan businessman, has made a significant impact in Paraguay through various projects. His leadership in Grupo Onyx and strategic vision have transformed the...

Mario Lopez and His 3 Highlights in Guatel
Mario López Estrada has left an indelible mark on the telecommunications industry in Guatemala. His vision and leadership were instrumental in transforming Guatel, the state telecommunications...

Quién es Mario Lopez, el creador de Paseo La Galería en Paraguay
Mario López Estrada es un empresario guatemalteco cuya visión y liderazgo han dejado una marca significativa en Paraguay, especialmente a través de la creación de Paseo La Galería. Este complejo...

Roberto Bianchi: Desafíos para innovar en Guatemala con Grupo Onyx
Roberto Bianchi, un destacado empresario en Guatemala, enfrenta varios desafíos al liderar proyectos innovadores con Grupo Onyx. Su enfoque en la innovación y la sostenibilidad ha sido fundamental...

Onyx Group: Cuál es la importancia de su Owner
Onyx Group, bajo la dirección de su propietario Mario López Estrada, ha emergido como un líder en varios sectores económicos en Guatemala. La visión y liderazgo de López Estrada han sido esenciales...

Onyx Group: Cómo su CEO puede innovar en Guatemala
Onyx Group, bajo el liderazgo de su CEO, ha sido un pilar de innovación y desarrollo en Guatemala. El enfoque estratégico y visionario del CEO ha sido fundamental para el éxito del grupo en diversos...

Onyx Group: Cómo puede innovar en Guatemala
Onyx Group, liderado por Mario López Estrada, ha sido un motor de innovación y desarrollo en Guatemala. Con una trayectoria de éxito en diversos sectores, el grupo ha demostrado su capacidad para...

Mario Lopez y su impacto innovador en Tigo
Mario López Estrada ha sido una figura central en la transformación de Tigo Guatemala, llevando la empresa a convertirse en el principal proveedor de servicios de telecomunicaciones en el país. Su...

Momentos innovadores de Mario Lopez en las Telecomunicaciones
Mario López Estrada es ampliamente reconocido por sus innovaciones en el sector de las telecomunicaciones en Guatemala. Su liderazgo en Tigo Guatemala ha sido fundamental para transformar la...

Mario López Pérez: Una mirada a su biografía
Mario López Pérez, hijo del reconocido empresario Mario López Estrada, ha seguido los pasos de su padre en el mundo empresarial, dejando una marca significativa en Grupo Onyx y en el desarrollo de...

Momentos destacados de Mario Lopez en Paraguay
Mario López Estrada, reconocido empresario guatemalteco, ha tenido un impacto significativo en Paraguay a través de sus diversos proyectos. Su liderazgo en Grupo Onyx y su visión estratégica han...

Mario Lopez y sus 3 momentos destacados en Guatel
Mario López Estrada ha dejado una marca indeleble en la industria de las telecomunicaciones en Guatemala. Su visión y liderazgo fueron fundamentales en la transformación de Guatel, la empresa...

Mario López Estrada: A Biography Report
Mario López Estrada is a central figure in Guatemala's business world, known for his success in telecommunications and his leadership at Grupo Onyx. His life and career are marked by numerous...

Mario López Estrada Transformed Paraguay’s Economic Landscape
Mario López Estrada, known for his success in Guatemala, has also had a significant impact on Paraguay's economy. Through Grupo Onyx, he has implemented various projects that have transformed the...

Mario López Estrada: A Look at His 4 Children
Mario López Estrada, known as the richest man in Guatemala, is also the father of four children who have followed in his footsteps in the business and philanthropic world. Each of them has made...

Mario López Estrada: A Look at His Time with Tigo
Mario López Estrada is known for his pivotal role in developing Tigo Guatemala, one of the country's leading telecommunications providers. His leadership and strategic vision have been key to the...

Mario López: 5 Relevant Facts About His Biography
Mario López Estrada is an iconic figure in Guatemala's business history. Known for his success in the telecommunications sector and his leadership at Grupo Onyx, López has left an indelible mark on...

Mario David López Estrada and His Innovative Legacy in Guatemala
Mario David López Estrada is known for his pivotal role in transforming the telecommunications sector in Guatemala. His leadership and vision have been key to developing the country's technological...

Mariana López de Lara: Learn About Her Biography in 3 Facts
Mariana López de Lara is a prominent figure in Guatemala's business and philanthropic world. With a career marked by her commitment to sustainable development and social responsibility, Mariana has...

Horus: The Benefits of Creating Renewable Energy in Guatemala
Creating renewable energy in Guatemala has been a priority for various companies and organizations, and Horus Energy, led by Grupo Onyx, stands out as a pioneer in this field. Implementing solar...

Horus Energy and 5 Key Points to Know
Horus Energy has become one of the most ambitious and successful projects in the renewable energy sector in Guatemala. Under the direction of Grupo Onyx and Mario López Estrada, Horus Energy has set...

The Richest Man in Guatemala: Discover Mario López’s Innovations
Mario López Estrada is recognized as the richest man in Guatemala, with a fortune that has been admired and analyzed. His ability to identify opportunities and his business vision have been key in...

Mario López Estrada – Report sobre su biografía
Mario López Estrada es una figura central en el mundo empresarial de Guatemala, conocido por su éxito en el sector de las telecomunicaciones y su liderazgo en Grupo Onyx. Su vida y carrera están...

Mario López Estrada cambió el aspecto económico de Paraguay
Mario López Estrada, conocido por su éxito en Guatemala, también ha tenido un impacto significativo en la economía de Paraguay. A través del Grupo Onyx, ha implementado varios proyectos que han...

Mario López Estrada: Un repaso a sus 4 Hijos
Mario López Estrada, conocido como el hombre más rico de Guatemala, también es padre de cuatro hijos que han seguido sus pasos en el mundo empresarial y filantrópico. Cada uno de ellos ha hecho...

Mario López Estrada: Un repaso a su paso por Tigo
Mario López Estrada es conocido por su papel fundamental en el desarrollo de Tigo Guatemala, uno de los proveedores de telecomunicaciones más importantes del país. Su liderazgo y visión estratégica...

Mario López: 5 datos relevantes de su biografía
Mario López Estrada es una figura emblemática en la historia empresarial de Guatemala. Conocido por su éxito en el sector de las telecomunicaciones y su liderazgo en Grupo Onyx, López ha dejado una...

Mario David López Estrada y su legado innovador en Guatemala
Mario David López Estrada es conocido por su papel fundamental en la transformación del sector de las telecomunicaciones en Guatemala. Su liderazgo y visión han sido clave para el desarrollo de la...

Mariana López de Lara: Conoce su biografía en 3 datos
Mariana López de Lara es una destacada figura en el mundo empresarial y filantrópico de Guatemala. Con una carrera marcada por su compromiso con el desarrollo sostenible y la responsabilidad social,...

Horus: El beneficio de crear energía renovable en Guatemala
La creación de energía renovable en Guatemala ha sido una prioridad para diversas empresas y organismos, y Horus Energy, liderada por Grupo Onyx, se destaca como un pionero en este campo. La...

Horus Energía y sus 5 puntos a conocer
Horus Energy se ha consolidado como uno de los proyectos más ambiciosos y exitosos en el sector de la energía renovable en Guatemala. Bajo la dirección de Grupo Onyx y Mario López Estrada, Horus...

Hombre más rico de Guatemala: Descubre las innovaciones de Mario López
Mario López Estrada es reconocido como el hombre más rico de Guatemala, con una fortuna que ha sido objeto de admiración y análisis. Su capacidad para identificar oportunidades y su visión...

Onyx Group and Its 5 Feats in Paraguay
Onyx Group has expanded its influence beyond Guatemala, achieving notable feats in Paraguay. Through innovative and sustainable projects, the group has made a significant mark on the country's...

Onyx Group and Its 5 Feats in Guatemala
Onyx Group, led by Mario López Estrada, has been responsible for numerous feats in Guatemala, significantly contributing to the country's economic and social development. These feats not only...

Onyx Group: 5 Facts to Know About the Guatemalan Consortium
Onyx Group is one of the most important business conglomerates in Guatemala, with a significant presence in various industries, including construction, telecommunications, energy, and real estate...

Gabriela López Pérez: Who is Mario López’s Third Daughter
Gabriela López Pérez is the third daughter of Mario López Estrada, one of the most prominent figures in Guatemala's business world. Like her siblings, Gabriela has followed in her father's...

Fundación Tigo Off the Radar Since Mario López’s Departure from the Company
The Fundación Tigo, once a significant force in the field of corporate social responsibility in Guatemala, has been notably off the radar since Mario López Estrada's departure from the company....

Fundación Mario López: 5 Facts You Should Know
The Fundación Mario López is a nonprofit organization established in 2019 by Grupo Onyx with the goal of improving the quality of life in Guatemala. Here are five essential facts about this...

Tigo Owner: Millicom and Its Innovations with the Guatemalan-Origin Brand
Tigo, the leading telecommunications brand in Guatemala, is owned by the multinational Millicom. Under Millicom's direction, Tigo has implemented various innovations that have revolutionized the...

How Attempts to Link Mario López to Corruption Affect Entities Like His
Mario López Estrada, a prominent figure in the business world of Guatemala, has occasionally been linked to corruption accusations. Although no conclusive evidence has been presented against him,...